I was Wrong


New member
May 6, 2006
My apologize to the community for putting my name on the same side as US. Despite the losing days/nights, I did not think nor believe he was using ghosts. Here is what finally showed me, I was 100% wrong:

"71.75.xxx.xx : cpe-071-(edited).carolina.res.rr.com
Post IP Addresses
Stretch Runner 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]
Ultimate Selector! 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]

Exact match. The "cpe" in the IP lookup means customer premise equipment(cable or dsl modem.....aka, same computer\house)".

Being older, I try very hard to accept everyone at their word even when things go bad for them but can not do so any longer with US. While I greatly appreciate his work and showing me the live screen shots of what he uses, I find it very tough to accept him at his word now. People lose, people win but there is never a valid reason to use/have a ghost. Prior to the ID check, I began to seriously doubt myself about him especially after seeing him drop over $11,000 one day and then come back the next day placing the same wagers that kept not cashing. Before anyone asks, yes I've had days like that (MLB this season but after losing that much, only was on one game, largely to recoup the dropped cash and once won took some time away & have resumed a nice mini-streak). Again, I was wrong and apologize.

Until a mod can conclusively prove their are no US ghosts ...

Everyone have a cash positive day. :thumbsup:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
pac- i know it's a noble policy to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this guy has consistently demonstrated a callous disregard for logic, common sense, and basic principles of successful wagering. and, then what can only be described as the single most stunning piece of lunacy and financial suicide, he claims to be able to make money (70% win rate, no less) betting only favorites. i've excerpted my favorite post from sunday below.

" know this may come as a shock to most, However I am going to show my versitility and show how to make good money moves whenever you need it.
I have posted how much I am wagering per play only because It would not make any sense or make much profits wagering small amounts. This is a short priced but high consistancy play. This is why you need to wager a larger amount to make it a rewarding profit maker!

I am ready to take this study and put my numbers to work here today!

Let's reap the profits we came to take!"

talk like this should immediately eviscerate any shred of credibility this guy may have engendered. i try not to care enough to post, but this guy is doing a disservice to anyone who wants to get into the game, and this sport needs all the new fans it can get.

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
You are Wrong Pac! ... for doubting me! I am dissapointed inyou tat you will follow this BS.

I noticed that Mondays thread is deleted .. Why?

I know why cause I proved that I am NOT a GHOST! here is that deleted info ... Read this carefully!


Here it is the official explanation! Please don't judge till you read the facts! Those of you that KNOW me know this is just an attempt to dog me that's all!...

Originally Posted by TTinCO
71.75.xxx.xx : cpe-071-(edited).carolina.res.rr.com
Post IP Addresses
Stretch Runner 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]
Ultimate Selector! 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]

Exact match. The "cpe" in the IP lookup means customer premise equipment(cable o dsl modem.....aka, same computer\house)

I know what this is about...

Let me explain .. I had him make a post or two for me as I had to run Biz errand. I gave him my password as I trust him. He made them for me. This if you will see and look at the date happened 1 time or maybe 2 for a total of about 2 -3 posts! If you look at my addy you will see we live in 2 different states! I give you my word on this! If you prove me otherwise you can ban me and I will leave! I am not putting one over on anyone! Feel free to ask me anything on this! Or E-maol me and I will give you both our numbers and you can call us each at our homes and see just where we live and verify our IP addys as we are on the phone with you!

Originally Posted by TTinCO
71.75.xxx.xx : cpe-071-(edited).carolina.res.rr.com
Post IP Addresses
Stretch Runner 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]
Ultimate Selector! 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]

Exact match. The "cpe" in the IP lookup means customer premise equipment(cable or dsl modem.....aka, same computer\house)

Not only that but it says Carolina Res up there. How can we both be posting tonite from 2 different states at the same time and be ghosts? It just does not jive and make any sense. Also please give me a number from your report on just how many posts have been made by stretch for me. I guarantee you it's about 3 or so. If he was my ghost there wil be a hell of alot more than 3 .. Now please respond to these for all to see and understand I am NOT ghosting!

Since there has been no response by the Mods to my factual basis of this matter. I think you can see this is a NON issue about ghosting on my behalf! I feel what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong!.

To ban anyone because some other poster told you he was a ghost and you do it before you have all the facts is a bit premature. But then not only do you have all the facts presented to you with full disclosure and complete detailed explanation as to how and why it happened the way it did and still do not answer the replys leads to only and 1 and one conclusion only in this matter. NOY GUILTY!

The Respectfull and right way to handle this matter is to right the wrong and correct the matter ASAP! I can see this is not being done. So I am to believe this froum is a political mine field. I mean why are certain posters treated differently or allowed to behave in such a manner that requires all to take a stand and say stop it already! But the one who gets punished is an innocent bystander verses the one who should really be punished or banned! I have lost respect for this forums mod because ot the way it got out of hand and was not controlled properly and did not correct the wrong that was never a wrong in the first place!
A mistake was made and it needs to be corrected! It's ok to make a mistake but it is wrong to do nothing to correct it! What an injustice.
I know of 1 other forum that allows such major bashing by the click or group that No one will post there because of the hummilation factor they have to go thru. The views on all their threads are small and going down all the time. That leads to no one wanting to post anything! Is that what we can expect here to happen by antics like this one. Believe me the word spreads quick in these forums. I also know of forums that do not allow bashing at all.
These are more civialized and get more new members and views for this good deed. I am actully disappointed in the way this all has happened. I have lost respect for the rules as they seem to apply to whomever you want them to apply to. I do not go into other posters threads and start BS and hijack their thread just because I don't like what they have to say or the way they say it or go about doing it!
Then when you can see that everyone has had enuff of this BS and speak up about it what do you do? You ban someone that had nothing to do with the problem you let the problem skate! This is completely wrong and I have lost faith in this mod for the way it was handled and for not correcting the situation at hand!

These are my thoughts on this subject. Remember this is just one mans opinion on the matter just like posting a horse selection in a race ..

There will be many opinons but I believe that the court of public opinion has spokesn ... Now can anything be done to correct it? Let's all wait and see!

Ultimate Selector!

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
Notice also!

His IP address says RR.com which is Road Runner.com That's what they have in North Carolina...

I live in Florida we only have Comcast Only! It is impossibe for me to be ghosting with two different servers in 2 different states.

It is only logical to understand my explanation above!

That is why my Monday Thread has been deleted cause the Mod does not want to admit his hasty wrong that has made me appear to be ghosting!

Use yor head in this don't be foolish!

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
Ask yourself this ...

Why wont the mod show my report for my IP addy?

Why won't he respond to my questions ?

He knows for fact just as well as I do That I am NOT ghosting!

I will see what I can do to get my own report and post it if he won't!

Sep 20, 2004
Do you have a Florida phone number you can be reached at? We could call you and maybe clear this up real quick.

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
Here is my own report!

Tracing route to www.comcast.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 9 ms 18 ms 9 ms
2 10 ms 9 ms 9 ms
3 9 ms 10 ms * GE-3-1-ur01.timuquana.fl.jacksvil.comcast.net


Originally Posted by TTinCO
71.75.xxx.xx : cpe-071-(edited).carolina.res.rr.com
Post IP Addresses
Stretch Runner 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]
Ultimate Selector! 71.75.xxx.xx [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User

New member
May 6, 2006
pac- i know it's a noble policy to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this guy has consistently demonstrated a callous disregard for logic, common sense, and basic principles of successful wagering. and, then what can only be described as the single most stunning piece of lunacy and financial suicide, he claims to be able to make money (70% win rate, no less) betting only favorites. i've excerpted my favorite post from sunday below.

" know this may come as a shock to most, However I am going to show my versitility and show how to make good money moves whenever you need it.
I have posted how much I am wagering per play only because It would not make any sense or make much profits wagering small amounts. This is a short priced but high consistancy play. This is why you need to wager a larger amount to make it a rewarding profit maker!

I am ready to take this study and put my numbers to work here today!

Let's reap the profits we came to take!"

talk like this should immediately eviscerate any shred of credibility this guy may have engendered. i try not to care enough to post, but this guy is doing a disservice to anyone who wants to get into the game, and this sport needs all the new fans it can get.


one thing i always try to remember is each person caps their own way and uses a money management system that works for them. unfortunately, i do not see that with any of US's listings. you should know me well enough that i don't piss and moan about amounts wagered but when he dropped over $11,000 and then started over again with the same selection process, it got my attention. prior to then, i just glanced over his threads reading a post here and there and always looked at his final numbers. problem came that hid bank roll/account was unable to sustain the listed $400 win wager for the entire day (20-30 plays, i think, and if i'm wrong someone will say something about it), red flag #1. then the "$50 exacta's" that cost between $300 and $600 each way (keyed first and second). red flag #2 of the day. the boosting only shows confidence but when one goes to far with it, it comes back to bite them in the rump. i agree with you, we need more folks to enter the sport and/or support it but after looking and writting down his listings and see them fall one by one, a person who's been around the game long enough will have enough common sense to call it a day, that did not happen. third flag on the day. thanks for chiming in on this.

may good fortune find it's way to you and yours.

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
Yes Pac You were WRONG! here is your verification! ...


Thank You TTinCO !

Quote from TTinCO ...

Okay, I'll withdraw the ghosting claim. You posted as\for him a couple times or vice versa with each others permission-I honestly don't really care.


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